Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Resul Cesur

Founding contributors

Resul Cesur
University of Connecticut

Resul Cesur is an Associate Professor of Healthcare Economics at the University of Connecticut School of Business and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Trained as a labor economist, his research focuses on social determinants of health, human capital formation, and the evaluation of the effects of public policies by employing quasi-experimental research methods. Cesur's research has been published in highly visible professional economics journals. He received his PhD in Economics from Georgia State University in 2009.

Content by this Author

Air pollution and infant mortality: evidence from Turkey

The widespread replacement of coal with natural gas as Turkey’s key energy source over the past 25 years has led to much improved air quality. This column reports research showing that the environmental benefits of the transition to natural gas have resulted in a significant reduction in infant mortality.

Universal primary care lowers mortality: evidence from Turkey

In 2005, Turkey extended basic healthcare services to its entire population under a free-of-charge, centrally administered system. This column reports research showing that the programme was successful in lowering mortality rates across provinces, particularly for the most vulnerable. The findings provide compelling evidence in support of providing accessible healthcare services to all citizens.

Mothers’ education and children’s health

Educational reforms in Turkey 20 years ago led to a significant improvement in the attainment of young men and women. This column reports research indicating that the children of women who were required to extend their time at school from five to eight years are healthier at birth and less likely to die by the age of five.

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