Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Diana Bashur


Diana Bashur
Secretary, Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and PhD candidate, University of Vienna

After working for the UN and other international agencies in development and political analysis in New York, Vienna and Damascus, Diana returned to university to research a different approach to peacebuilding. Currently a PhD candidate at the University of Vienna, she is looking into basic income as a tool for peacebuilding with a focus on the Middle East and a particular interest in its potential for social cohesion. She is also Secretary of the Basic Income Earth Network (, an international charity aimed at promoting an informed discussion about Basic Income.

Content by this Author

What would a basic income mean for the Arab world?

The idea of a regular, unconditional and individual cash payment distributed to all citizens is gaining ground. This column argues that such a basic income would ensure that everyone is able to meet their basic needs unconditionally, thereby improving people’s resilience and solidifying communities. Ultimately, a basic income could help to rebuild the social contract in the Arab world where governments would uphold human dignity by awarding citizens economic security as a right.

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