Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Hernan Winkler


Hernan Winkler
Senior Economist in the Jobs Group at the World Bank

Hernan Winkler is a Senior Economist in the Jobs Group at the World Bank. He specializes in applied microeconomics, with a particular focus on labor market issues and the sources and consequences of inequality and poverty. He has been an author and part of the core teams of several World Bank flagship reports. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals including the Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of Development Economics. Before joining the World Bank, he was a Researcher at CEDLAS (University of La Plata, Argentina). He holds a PhD in economics from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

Content by this Author

Who can work from home in MENA?

Which jobs can be done from home, who does them and how prevalent are they in different countries? This column reports evidence on working from home in over 50 countries, including Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.

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