Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Irène Selwaness


Irène Selwaness
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University

Irene Selwaness is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University. Her current research focuses on the care economy, social protection, school-to-work transitions, employment generation and GDP growth, and family formation and employment issues in the Middle East. She worked closely with the Population Council, Cairo office, as a Fred H. Bixby post-doctoral fellow. She also served as a Carnegie post-doctoral fellow at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, at the University of Minnesota. She holds a PhD in Labor Economics from University of Paris 1– Panthéon Sorbonne (France), and an MA in Quantitative Economics with specialization in Labor and Demographic Economics from the same university.

Content by this Author

Women’s employment and care work in MENA during the pandemic

Across the world, Covid-19 and associated policy measures that closed schools and nurseries led to increased care work for married women in households with young or school-aged children. But as research reported in this column shows, in the Middle East and North Africa, married women had already selected out of the types of work that were difficult to reconcile with care work, with the result that married women did not exit employment disproportionately during the pandemic.

Recognising and redistributing unpaid care work in Egypt

Countries like Egypt with significant gender imbalances in unpaid work typically have low female labour force participation. As this column reports, unpaid domestic care responsibilities fall primarily on women, hindering their ability to participate in the country’s paid economy. It is essential to nurture changes in policies and social norms that recognise and redistribute unpaid care work and reward paid care work.

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