Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Naila Kabeer
Naila Kabeer
Professor of Gender and Development at the Department of Gender Studies and Department of International Development at LSE

Naila Kabeer is Professor of Gender and Development at the Department of Gender Studies and Department of International Development at LSE. Her research interests include gender, poverty, social exclusion, labour markets and livelihoods, social protection and citizenship and much of her research is focused on South and South East Asia. Naila is currently involved in ERSC-DIFD Funded Research Projects on Gender and Labour Market dynamics in Bangladesh and India.

Content by this Author

Gender dynamics in labour markets in MENA and South Asia

In common with much of the world, the geographically contiguous regions of MENA and South Asia have experienced fertility decline and rising levels of female education, both considered conducive to women’s entry into paid work – yet rates of female labour force participation have remained intransigently low. This column outlines what explains this striking regional feature and potential policy responses given evidence that women’s engagement with the labour market contributes to inclusive growth.

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