Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Rana Hendy


Rana Hendy
Assistant Professor and Director of the Master Program in Public Policy, Public Policy and Administration Department, The American University in Cairo, Egypt

Rana Hendy is currently an Assistant Professor and Director of the Master Program in Public Policy, Public Policy and Administration Department at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Hendy is also a research associate at the Economic Research Forum in Cairo where she served as the thematic director for Equity and Inequality as well as for Gender-related projects between 2012 and 2014. Hendy received her doctorate in labor and development economics from the Paris School of Economics in 2011 and a master degree in labor and demographic economics from the same school.

Content by this Author

Inequalities in Jordan before and after the pandemic

Is Covid-19 increasing inequalities in Jordan? This column outlines the main findings of a new report on the impact of the pandemic on inequality in expenditure, incomes and educational opportunities and outcomes.

Inequality of income and education in Jordan

The global pandemic seems likely to result in greater inequality across multiple dimensions, including income, education, gender and geography. This column reports pre-crisis evidence from Jordan on the extent of income inequality, inequality in educational outcomes and inequality in educational opportunities. Proposed policy responses include investing in education; awareness campaigns; ensuring equal access to the internet and social security; subsidising school supplies conditional on parental income and wealth; and imposing stricter measures to combat child labour.

Getting more women into employment in Egypt

Despite significant increases in women’s education and health indicators in Egypt, their rate of labour force participation remains one of the lowest in the world. This column explains how marriage acts as an obstacle for women taking jobs in the private sector, and outlines potential remedies to the ‘marriage mismatch’.

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