Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Romesh Vaitilingam

Managing editors

Romesh Vaitilingam
Economics writer

Economics writer Romesh Vaitilingam is a member of the editorial board of VoxEU. His work involves consultancy for the economic research community, notably advising the Royal Economic Society, the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics on the management of their public profile. He has also advised a number of government agencies and international institutions, including the European Central Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the UK's Department for International Development.

Content by this Author

Policy for the Covid-19 crisis: survey of leading economists

How should governments respond to the global pandemic? This column reports the views of leading economists on seeming trade-offs between strict public health measures to save lives and the likelihood of a severe economic contraction. The respondents to the latest IGM Forum survey are also unanimous about the desirability of greater government investment in treatment capacity.

The Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for policy in MENA

ERF’s annual conference has become the premier regional event for economists of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This column previews the 2020 conference, which was due to take place in Luxor, Egypt, in March but has been postponed until later in the year. The central focus will be on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for MENA’s development policy.

Improving the economic policy debate in the MENA region

The Forum, a policy portal for the Middle East and North Africa, was launched in October 2017 with the aim of becoming ‘the platform’ for rich and relevant debates in the region on economic, social and political development issues. This column reviews progress to the end of 2018.

Arab oil exporters: coping with a new global oil order

What are the implications of recent developments in global oil markets for the oil-exporting countries of the Arab region? This column outlines key issues discussed at an ERF conference hosted by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in Kuwait in November 2017.

Oil exporters’ responses to the US fracking boom

What are the implications of low oil prices for the economic and political stability of Arab oil-exporting countries such as Saudi Arabia? This column explores the impact of the US fracking boom on Arab oil revenues – and how policy-makers in these countries should respond.

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