Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Susan Razzaz


Susan Razzaz

Dr, Susan Razzaz is an economist based in Amman, Jordan. She is the senior country economist for Sri Lanka and the Maldives and task team leader for the Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy. Most of her work focuses on questions related to labor market issues in MENA countries. Razzaz has also worked on public expenditure, growth, labor market, and inequality issues in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Yemen.

Content by this Author

Jordan’s labour market: new inputs for informed policy-making

The labour market in Jordan has deteriorated since 2010: informality and irregular employment have increased; the recent social security reform has had limited impact; and large shares of young people are neither working nor in school. This column reports new high-quality survey data collected by ERF, analysis of which is providing insights into the causes of the deterioration and potential policy responses. Jordanian researchers and policy-makers are now in a better position to ask informed questions and develop better policy.

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