Economic Research Forum (ERF)


After the Arab uprisings: reconstruction, peace and democratic change

Any post-uprisings transformation leading to lasting national peace in Arab countries will be conditional on laying the foundations for inclusive socio-economic development in the context of a genuinely democratic environment. This column, which summarises a forthcoming multi-authored ERF book explores how these goals can be achieved.

Multidimensional poverty in Algeria

Measures of multidimensional poverty reflect a number of different kinds of deprivation: education; health; living conditions; employment; and financial inclusion. This column reports on recent data for Algeria.

Cooperation and recovery in the Middle East and Central Asia

The road to post-pandemic recovery for the Middle East and Central Asia will hinge on Covid-19 containment measures, access to and distribution of vaccines, the scope of policies to support growth, and measures to mitigate economic scarring from the pandemic. This column, originally published on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) blog, argues that cooperation will be critical to reducing divergent paths to recovery among countries in the region.

Ministerial rotations and effective government in Lebanon

Possible solutions to Lebanon’s multiple crises are well known. But as this column explains, while the necessary technical approaches and expertise are readily available, political elites continue to face incentives to undermine state authority and appropriate institutional capacities for individual gains. New evidence indicates that rotations of ministries among political parties do not make the government any more effective.

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