Economic Research Forum (ERF)


The dilemma of public debt in Lebanon

Lebanon’s strategy of pursuing long-term fiscal sustainability at the cost of short-term macroeconomic stability, which has dominated for over two decades, has been devastating in terms of economic growth and deteriorating infrastructure. This column explains the background to the current economic and financial crisis.

Fiscal policy for Covid-19 and beyond

Covid-19 has hit developing countries hard. This Brookings column suggests that the crisis could galvanise governments to reduce ‘leakages’ of public spending to beneficiaries other than those for whom it is intended. The objectives should be creating fiscal space to serve the poor better while setting the stage for recovery and sustained economic growth.

Lebanon must learn from the Syrian disaster

Overlapping crises are threatening the political, economic and social stability of Lebanon. As this column explains, the disaster in Syria provides insights into how grievances can accumulate to a point at which single events can trigger conflict.

Sudan and the pandemic: reforms for a vulnerable economy

Sudan’s economy was in a fragile state even before Covid-19 and the lockdown measures implemented to control the virus. This column outlines the bold yet practical reforms that are needed to help the country move to a virtuous cycle of rising productivity and incomes – and hence sustained reduction in poverty.

Who can work from home in MENA?

Which jobs can be done from home, who does them and how prevalent are they in different countries? This column reports evidence on working from home in over 50 countries, including Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.

Measuring monetary poverty in MENA: data gaps and how to address them

As key statistical sources for measuring monetary poverty, household budget surveys are crucial for designing public policies and tracking development progress. But measuring poverty in the MENA region remains a challenge. This column identifies challenges of availability, access and quality of household budget surveys in the region and evaluates ways to fill these information gaps.

Covid-19: forging a new social contract in the Middle East and North Africa

The dual shock of Covid-19 and falling oil prices has brought to light the underlying flaws of economies in the Middle East and North Africa. This column, originally published at OECD Development Matters, suggests that events that are out of authorities’ control will trigger change in the societies of the region. Governments must decide whether that change will be guided or traumatic.

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